We are a high performance compute and infrastructure and hosting company that focuses on renewable based energy fabrics to empower current and future high performance computing infrastructure.
All locations are carefully selected and pre-screened, designed, developed and constructed by Stellar Forge Mining in combination with industry contractors and technology staff.
Currently we provide multi-megawatt sites of renewable energy infrastructure to customers around the globe, seeking to satisfy both price and energy footprint demands - while focusing on creating solutions that also satisfy ESG requirements.
We believe every customer is different and requires a unique approach. Our mission is to help people navigate through changing technologies to fit their goals by utilizing our supply chain, relationships, and expertise.
Whether it’s making sure you get the right background information so you can make smart decisions, or assisting with diversifying your technology portfolio, we look forward to helping you on your path.
We specialize in new technology equipment and modular high performance data center design, build, sourcing, construction, and hosting operations.
Our facilities are over 70% emissions free and growing into 2025. Please inquire at stellarforgemining.com.
NAICS CODE: 518210
It started with the first AI:ML machine ...
身為管理合夥人,創辦人 Michael 多年來一直為客戶提供技術投資建議(United Health Group、Microsoft、JackHenry)。託管最初是一種愛好,後來發展為人們尋求幫助,然後我們利用我們的供應鏈發現新方法來幫助其他人在該領域尋找零件、機器和託管解決方案。我們已將其發展成為一項業務。 Stellar Forge 透過機器和設施回饋社區。 Stellar Forge 也透過團隊協助支援的各種組織參與回饋社群(側面的圖示並不表示認可,但會獲得資金)。在這裡查看我們的管理合夥人的資料: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-cantu-96901a21/
我們也為尋求網站建立和/或託管的公司、機構和客戶提供多兆瓦網站和設施 - 請使用聊天功能。
我們已通過銀行和支付提供者的驗證。在驗證商家時,兩者都需要大量的文書工作、庫存、追蹤號碼、照片和供應商關係清單。我們剛剛收到了 2021 年 8 月 6 日和 2023 年 11 月 20 日的審計後延續 - 在切換處理器後。